TPBank won 2 prestigious awards of The Asian Banker

March 23, 2023

1 min read

TPBank won 2 prestigious awards of The Asian Banker

Congratulations to TPBank for winning two prestigious awards in "The Asian Banker Vietnam Awards 2023": 1. Best Digital Customer Ecosystem Initiative in Vietnam - eBankX 2. Best Digital Banking Service in Vietnam

TPBank won 2 prestigious awards of The Asian Banker

Two prestigious awards won by TPBank include:

1. Best Digital Customer Ecosystem Initiative in Vietnam - eBankX
2. Best Digital Banking Service in Vietnam

With the goal of customer-centricity, TPBank is constantly putting creative efforts into bringing products and services with a highly personalized experience. On this journey, GEEK Up is proud to have accompanied TPBank to contribute a part to creating design standards for the TPBank's application ecosystem, thereby providing a consistent user experience.

Showcase: Enhance User Experience for Tien Phong Digital Bank

GEEK Up sincerely thank TPBank for the trust in us. We hope TPBank will achieve more outstanding achievements to affirm the leading digital bank in Vietnam.

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