November 07, 2022
2 min read
GEEK Up cooperates with BEAMIN to organize workshop “UX Writing: Why - What - How”
BAEMIN and GEEK Up already had an effective and interesting sharing session in the internal Workshop between the product design teams of the two companies, held on the afternoon of 2nd November, 2022.

In this workshop, both teams focused on sharing contents relating to the importance and role of UX Writing in the process of building digital products, practical application tips as well as experiences during the project implementation. This article will provide the important contents of the workshop that you can then apply immediately in your work.
1. Readability
To retain users on the app, the most effective way is to create a quality experience. The role of UX Writing will support users to know where they are in the experience journey and the next steps they should take to complete the task. A content that is considered effective on the application must help users act faster, without spending time on predicting or thinking about the next steps. A “readability” content will help increase the ability of users to easily access and read the content, thereby improving the quality of their experience on the application.
2. Consistent
Throughout their shopping journey, customers will be exposed to many different channels of information. Each channel will create countless touch points between businesses and customers. To build customer trust, it requires content, messages and brand personality that must all be conveyed consistently across all channels (online and offline) and media.
Therefore, UX writers for the app need to ensure to choose words carefully, in sync with the format, personality and tone of the brand, elements of UI design, as well as guidelines for using the content that businesses have built.
3. Conversational
UX Writing is a piece of written content that appears in the user journey for the purpose of instructing, explaining and presenting to users about the product. Instead of using dry, rigid commands and making users feel that they are communicating with machines, UX writers should create dialogues that bring a more "human" experience, helping users feel like they are talking to a real person, not a robot. However, it should also be noted that the content is conversational, but avoids conveying long, verbose and out of context.
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